Camp Rainbow
Clarksville, TN
Camp Rainbow was just a dream of Mary Woodall and Diane Miner — they wanted a camp that would cater to the needs of seriously ill children whose medical problems kept them from attending regular camps.
This dream came true in 1983, and, for one special week in June, volunteers come together at Brandon Springs Group Camp in Land Between the Lakes, to provide the children endless activities. Whether fishing, canoeing, making crafts, or climbing on helicopters flown in from Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, these special kids are given the opportunity to do anything they want.
With a one-to-one (or better) camper/counselor ratio, each camper gets to choose which activities and events he or she wants to participate in. An overview of Camp Rainbow with forty campers is like having forty mini-camps operating at the same time in the same location.
The campers are always under the watchful eyes of a fully-staffed medical contingent provided by Premier Medical Group of Clarksville, Tennessee. The staff to include doctors, nurses, and the one-on-one counselors are available on a 24-hour basis.
The highlight of the week is the arrival of the Bikers Who Care (BWC), a local motorcycle organization that helps raise money each year to put on Camp Rainbow. This extraordinary group of motorcyclists provide the kids with a parade of Harleys, a carnival, an endless supply of cotton candy, and rides on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The kids put on a talent show at the end of the day and give gifts to the bikers as an appreciation of what they do.
Through the dedication of countless volunteers and a broad base of community support, Camp Rainbow provides a unique experience for both camper and counselor.